Useful Stuff

Here is a collection of stuff that other people have occasionally asked for. Rather than search through my sent email, I just post stuff here. If it is useful, take it, if not, leave it for others.

Flash Animations

Some flash animations that are useful for talks in optics and atomic physics

AbsorptionAbsorption animation in a two-level atom
LifetimeLifetime animation in a two-level atom
FluorescenceFluorescence animation in a three-level atom
InversionInversion animation in a three-level atom
PhosphorescencePhosphorescence animation in a three-level atom
SlowLightSlow-light animation in an EIT system
SpontEmissionSpontaneous emission animation in a two-level atom
StimEmissionStimulated emission animation in a two-level atom
StoredLightStored-light animation in an EIT system.